About Me

I am a PhD Candidate in the Economics Department at Columbia University. I am on the 2022-2023 Job Market.

I primarily work in International Trade and Urban Economics, with an interest in Real Estate.

My CV is here.

Job Market Paper

Consumer Cities: The Role of Housing Variety

Awarded Best Student Paper Prize 2022 by the Urban Economics Association

Abstract: Housing costs are key in understanding real income differences across space and time. Standard measures of housing costs do not account for availability differences, where some housing varieties are available in certain cities or time periods but not others. When households have idiosyncratic preferences over housing units, the set of available housing varieties in a city matters. This paper develops theoretically-founded housing price indices to measure housing costs that account for availability differences. To allow for flexible substitution patterns, I propose a method to jointly estimate the nests that varieties belong to and the elasticity of substitution across varieties within each nest. I find that households in larger cities benefit from having access to varieties not available in smaller cities. Utility-consistent housing prices reduce the elasticity of housing prices with respect to population by a half. Since housing is a third of household expenditure, this implies that we have systematically underestimated real income and overestimated residual amenities in larger cities. In contrast to previous estimates, I find that real income is increasing in city size after accounting for availability differences.

Working Papers

Learning from Exporting

(draft available upon request)

Abstract: How do we model and quantify the dynamic gains from exporting? I develop a dynamic trade model where firms innovate and learn from other firms in the destinations they sell to. The evolution of a country’s stock of knowledge can be expressed as a function of export flows and the stocks of knowledge of their trading partners. I find evidence that countries in Asia, North America, and Europe, as well as countries in the top two quartiles of TFP growth were able to better absorb foreign insights than other countries. I evaluate whether there are dynamic gains from trade with two counterfactual exercises. First, I measure the impact of changing trade costs between 1962 and 2000. I find small static gains but zero dynamic gains for the world economy. Second, I quantify the dynamic gains from export-induced foreign knowledge flows by simulating a counterfactual where there is no learning from foreign sources. I find that domestic learning compensates for foreign learning: there are large dynamic gains from exporting when there is no domestic learning and small dynamic gains when there is domestic learning.

In Progress

Decreasing Returns to Scale and Exchange Rate Pass-Through

Shopping Alone: The Impact of the Decline of the American Mall (with Guy Aridor and Louise Guillouet)